Only the deceased's name, surname, date of birth, date of death, and a symbol, if any, according to his belief will be added to the gravestone. Apart from this, some of the information specified in the form is the information required to distinguish one deceased from another. Mandatory fields are marked in red.

1. Photo Or Text
2. Name *
3. Surname *
4. Birth And Death Day * *
5. Species *
6. Location (URL) *
7. Cotributor *
7. Your Email *
8. Manner Of Death
9. Short Story
10. Parents 1 (F) *
11. Parents 2 (M)
12. Religion
13. Fanurel Style (1. to be buried, 2. cremation, 3. other)
1. Add the picture or text you want to add to the gravestone.    (NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE.)
2. Deceased person's name
3. Deceased person's username
4. Date of birth and death of the deceased
5. What species did the dead creature belong to (for example: cat,     bird, etc.)
6. You will find the location of the deceased on the map and paste     the link into this field.
7. Since you are sharing this information, you will write your     name and surname in this field.
8. Information about how the deceased died.
9. short life story of the dead.
10. Name of the deceased's father.
11. Name of the deceased's mother.
13. What was the manner in which the dead was buried? Was it        burned or buried? If it is in another format, please write it in        the other box.